Exercise Addiction and How it Can be Treated

Exercise is one of the most important activities anyone can engage in. It is helpful in treatment of certain conditions, boosts the immune system and allows individuals to develop a physique that is attractive. However, many people are oblivious to the fact that unregulated exercise can end up becoming a danger to health. Individuals that engage in in too much exercise without caring about the dangers it poses are said to be suffering from exercise addiction. A look at some of the facts related to exercise should help you understand the risks and how to guard yourself from tipping over to the addiction side.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention recommends that individuals falling within the age of 18 to 64 should exercise moderately for a period  of about two and a half an hour every week. Vigorous exercise should be done for a period of approximately 15 minutes. This ensures that the individual can enjoy all the benefits associated with exercise. If you engage in exercise that exceeds this recommended limit you should either be actively involved in sports or trying to achieve a short term goal.

While exercise is a good activity research shows that only one out of three children is physically active and only one out of three adults meets the recommended amount of physical activity. Some of the areas with the best statistics when it comes to exercise include Vermont, Hawaii, Montana and Alaska. The areas with the least amount of exercise include Delaware, West Virginia and Alabama. The national average for exercise is estimated to be at 51.6% according to the U.S Department of Health & Human Services.

Individuals that are keen on regular exercise are at a higher risk of addiction. These include competitive athletes such as wrestlers, boxers, runners, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts who wish to achieve a particular shape when it comes to physique. Research shows that approximately 3 to 4% of people that engage in regular exercise across the United States are currently suffering from exercise addiction. A look at some of the benefits of exercise should help you understand why it is important. However, to enjoy these benefits you must be careful enough to adhere to the limits that are stipulated otherwise you may end up becoming addicted and hurting yourself in the process.

The benefits of regular moderate exercise

Can stimulate happiness

Engaging in regular exercise is known to enhance happiness. This is because exercise actually facilitates changes in the part of the brain that is responsible for regulating stress and anxiety. It is equally important to note that exercise boosts brain sensitivity to hormones that relieve human beings from feelings of depression. As individuals exercise endorphin hormones are produced. The horrmones help in reduction of painful sensations.

Strengthens muscles and bones

to enjoy quality life you must have strong bones and muscles. Physical activity coupled with appropriate intake of proteins is known to boost the development of strong muscles. Exercise also facilitates the development of better bone density. The overall result is that you are better equipped to handle injuries and conditions such as osteoporosis in the later years of your life.

Aids in weight loss

over 160 million people living in America are estimated to be either obese or overweight. This is a worrying trend especially considering that being obese or overweight increases the chances of suffering from certain diseases and conditions. Exercise is one of the treatment techniques that is known to be effective in dealing with weight issues.

Reduces risk of chronic conditions

The last thing you want is to suffer from a chronic condition that compromises your ability to carry out daily obligations. Engaging in regular physical activity boosts your immune system and prevents conditions that may otherwise develop.

Maintains skin health

Having a healthy skin is key to looking beautiful and feeling confident. Exercise ensures that your body releases antioxidants that help in the protection of skin cells. It also boosts proper blood flow which is key to stalling the negative effects of old age which usually appear on the skin.

Promotes brain health

As you exercise your heart rate is slightly increased meaning that you will have better blood flow to every part of the body including the brain. This ultimately ensures that you are getting enough oxygen supply in the brain. At the same time exercise stimulates the production of hormones that are responsible for the growth of brain cells. As a result of all these effects you will have better memory and thinking skills.

Pain relief

there are several medical conditions that may cause physical pain. However, individuals that engage in specific types of exercise are able to find relief. Some of the conditions that may be managed using exercise include chronic low back pain, fibromyalgia and chronic soft tissue shoulder disorder. It is worth pointing out that regular exercise raises pain tolerance while significantly reducing pain perception.

Enhances sexual performance & Promotes better physique

Physical activity improves blood flow, flexibility and cardiovascular health. These are important factors in better sexual performance. It also improves sex drive.The physical appearance of any individual is something that is key to self-confidence and social interactions. By engaging in exercise you are able to build a body tone or shape that you consider desirable.

What is Exercise addiction?

Exercise addiction can be defined as a compulsive disorder that is characterized by an uncontrollable desire to keep exercising regardless of the negative consequences that may ensue. In most cases the individuals that are suffering from this condition are oblivious to the dangers. Instead they focus on the seemingly positive effects that they gain. Addiction to exercise can be difficult to notice because you may not be able to tell if someone is simply passionate about what they are doing or if they have tipped over to the side of addiction.

Causes of exercise addiction?

When people engage in exercise their bodies release certain chemicals that are responsible for creating a sense of pleasure or reward. These positive effects or highs motivate individuals to keep exercising so that they an continue enjoying such benefits. More specifically when engaging in exercise the human body produces endorphins and dopamine which are the same neurotransmitters that are produced when taking drugs such as cocaine, heroin and marijuana. Production of these substances gives the individual a sense of joy and satisfaction. However, after a certain period of time individuals may no longer be able to experience these feelings which is why they have to increase their rate of exercise to trigger the initial effects.People that have a physique considered less than ideal are at a danger of becoming addicted to exercise because they are likely to overdo their routines.

The areas with the least amount of exercise include Delaware, West Virginia and Alabama. The national average for exercise is estimated to be at 51.6% according to the U.S Department of Health & Human Services.Individuals that are keen on regular exercise are at a higher risk of addiction. These include competitive athletes such as wrestlers, boxers, runners, bodybuilders and fitness enthusiasts who wish to achieve a particular shape when it comes to physique. Research shows that approximately 3 to 4% of people that engage in regular exercise across the United States are currently suffering from exercise addiction. A look at some of the benefits of exercise should help you understand why it is important. However, to enjoy these benefits you must be careful enough to adhere to the limits that are stipulated otherwise you may end up becoming addicted and hurting yourself in the process.

Signs and Symptoms of exercise addiction

Just like any other form of addiction it is important for you to watch out for the signs and symptoms that can be used to determine exercise addiction before you seek professional help. It is worth pointing out that individuals addicted to exercise may not be able to break free unless they receive professional help. Here are some of the most common signs and symptoms associated with this type of addiction.

  • Overlooking other activities

    after a given period of addiction the individual will start ignoring other activities and instead engage in exercise. The individual spends a lesser amount of time on social and occupational activities. This can be severe enough to cause close family members to get worried about the trend that is developing.

  • Intention effects

    this basically means that the individual starts to stretch limits. If the exercise was intended to last for 30 minutes the individual may end up keeping at it for over 40 or 50 minutes. They may also increase intensity of activity or frequency of the number of  times he or she engages in exercise.

  • Withdrawal effects

    if the individual is unable to engage in exercise for a period of time they may start developing certain withdrawal signs. This may include irritability, restlessness and anxiety.

  • Losing track of time

    an exercise addict is likely to lose track of time when engaged in this activity. He or she spends too much time planning, thinking and recovering from exercise.

  • Continuance

    in this case the individual continues to exercise even when the conditions are not ideal. He or she may keep working out even when the activity is worsening a wound or injury. The individual may also resort to working out instead of solving problems that are already affecting finances or other obligations.

  • Feeling buzzed

    just after a session of exercise an individual will feel extremely excited about it. He or she may even go ahead and talk about the session and how they cannot wait for the next day to exercise again.

  • Tolerance

    the individual feels the need to engage in longer sessions of exercise or increase the intensity at which he or she is exercising. This becomes necessary because the body has already become tolerant to high intensity and frequent exercise.

  • Extreme urge to exercise

    individual already addicted to exercise may not be able to control the urge to exercise. This happens even when he or she is nursing an injury.

Types of exercise addiction

There are two main types of exercise addictions mainly primary and secondary addiction. These addictions often develop in different ways and may not be characterized by the same signs.

Primary exercise addiction

this addiction is generally associated with behavior and is devoid of any other psychological or behavioral conditions. Most studies have shown that this form of addiction is prevalent in men and can be attributed to the pleasure rewards derived from production of endorphins.

Secondary exercise addiction:

this type of addiction takes place together with another type of addiction or disorder. Eating disorders such as anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa are among the most commonly reported disorders when it comes to secondary exercise addiction. This type of addiction is reported to affect more women than men.

Dangers of exercise addiction

An individual suffering from exercise addiction is not always aware of the situation which is why it may be necessary for a friend or family member to step in and intervene. Taking note of the signs and symptoms above can be key to reaching out for help. If people are unable to detect addiction the following can be some of the complications that may ensue.

Suppressed immune system

while almost all medical professionals and scientists agree that adequate exercise is key to good health the truth is that individuals that are addicted to this activity compromise their immune system. This is because the energy that is reserved for immune activities is instead diverted to exercise related issues. The result is that the addict may not be able to recover fast enough when injured or dealing with an infection.

Reduced productivity

individuals that are addicted to exercise ultimately spend more time at the gym and this may affect general productivity. The individual may not be able to adequately concentrate on work or studies meaning they are unlikely to achieve the financial or academic goals that they have set. Even when at work or school the individual’s mind is filled with thoughts of exercise making it impossible to grasp other issues and deal with them in the right manner.

Social problems

individuals that are addicted to exercise do not spend enough time bonding with social connections. This may include family members and friends. At the end of the day people will find it difficult to relate with the addict and this can greatly affect family units and the society as a whole.

Development of ailments

when the body is subjected to too much pressure due to exercise it may end up reacting in a negative way. This is often reflected in the way ailments start to occur. Headaches, back aches, shoulder pain and muscle cramps are among the most commonly experienced ailments.

Poor financial spending

just like a person that is addicted to drugs or alcohol, an exercise addict may be unable to spend money in the right way. The individual is constantly bombarded with thoughts of exercise and how to improve which is why he or she is likely to prefer purchasing workout equipment instead of investing in a business or the education of children.

Decrease in testosterone levels

the hormone testosterone is responsible for a number of functions in the body. Some of these functions are sexual drive, mood and strength. Too much exercise compromises the the body’s ability to produce the hormone in adequate amounts and that may have negative effects such as lack of motivation, low sex drive and general body weakness.

Physical injury

the body can only withstand a given level of exercise meaning that continuous workouts or strenuous activity will eventually cause it to snap. The result is that physical injuries are likely to occur frequently. This may include muscle and bone injuries.

Withdrawal effects

in case the individual stops exercise he or she may end up going through a painful experience. This can be characterized by headaches, feelings of guilt, sleeplessness, loss of appetite, depression, discomfort, muscle cramps and tension.

Poor financial spending

just like a person that is addicted to drugs or alcohol, an exercise addict may be unable to spend money in the right way. The individual is constantly bombarded with thoughts of exercise and how to improve which is why he or she is likely to prefer purchasing workout equipment instead of investing in a business or the education of children.

Decrease in testosterone levels

the hormone testosterone is responsible for a number of functions in the body. Some of these functions are sexual drive, mood and strength. Too much exercise compromises the the body’s ability to produce the hormone in adequate amounts and that may have negative effects such as lack of motivation, low sex drive and general body weakness.